Giuliana Elena Garzone – IULM Milano

Sharing Professional Knowledge on Web 2.0 and beyond
Discourse and Genre

Collana «Lingue di Oggi»
15 x 22 cm - pp. 132 - 2019 - € 23,00 (sconto 15%) € 19,55
ISBN 978-88-7916-927-1

Versione E-Pub € 13,99

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TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction: 1. Why “Web 2.0 and beyond”? – 2. The linguistic perspective – 1. Investigating Genres on the Web: Methodological Issues: 1. Introduction – 2. Criteria for genre identification and analysis – 3. Properties to be incorporated in the analysis of Web-mediated genres – 4. Generic integrity – 5. Conclusion – 2. The Law Blog: Issues of Generic Integrity: 1. Introduction – 2. Aim, scope and method – 3. Blog profiles – 4. Analysis: self-mentions and other individualistic elements – 5. Conclusion – 3. Sharing Knowledgeon Social Networking Sites: Professional Groups on Facebook and LinkedIn: 1. Aim and method – 2. Professional groups on SNSs – 3. Facebook groups – 4. LinkedIn groups – 5. Conclusion – 4. Legal Professionals’ Groups on SNSs: Focus on LinkedIn: 1. Introduction – 2. Materials and method – 3. Conversations on LI groups – 4. Final remarks – 5. Social Media for HR Recruitment: Job Advertisements on LinkedIn: 1. Introduction: LinkedIn as the professional social networking site – 2. Materials and method – 3. The job advertisement as a genre – 4. Final remarks – References.

In recent years, the use of Web-mediated digital technologies has constantly grown in importance, reshaping the communication landscape in all professional activities. Web 2.0 applications and platforms have evolved dramatically, exceeding all expectations, and have had an impact on all areas of activity, from personal and social to political and economic. A crucial role in this radical transformation has been played by social media, i.e. online resources enabling users to connect, interact, and share contents. They have changed social relations profoundly on an individual level, but also in their professional dimensions, transforming the dynamics of how professionals work, share knowledge and relate to each other and to their clients. This book explores online professional blogging and networking platforms, discussing methodological issues involved in analysing webmediated professional communication in a genre- and discourse- analytical perspective, with a focus on the structural and textual properties of genres on the Internet. The discursive objects investigated include professional weblogs, and in particular law blogs, professional groups on Facebook and LinkedIn, and LinkedIn job ads. Among the aspects examined are continuity with pre-existing traditional genres, generic integrity, and the debated status of social networking sites as platform users’ communities of practice.

Giuliana Elena Garzone is Full Professor of English, Linguistics and Translation at IULM University, Milan, where she co-ordinates the Master’s Progamme in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting. She formerly taught at Milan State University where she directed the PhD Programme in Linguistic, Literary and Intercultural Studies. Her research interests are mainly in ESP, which she has explored in a discourse analytical perspective, integrating it with corpus linguistics, and in Translation and Interpreting Studies. She has co-ordinated several research projects and published extensively on legal, scientific and business discourse as well as on translation and interpreting. She is co-editor-in-chief (with Paola Catenaccio) of the journal Lingue Culture Mediazioni / Languages Cultures Mediation. Her most recent publications include: “New Biomedical Practices and Discourses: Focus on Surrogacy” (2019); “The Interpreter Mediated Police Interview as Argumentative Discourse in Context: A Case-study” (2017), published in the volume Argumentation across Communities of Practice she edited with C. Ilie, and the volume Le traduzioni come fuzzy set. Percorsi teorici e applicativi (2015).


Catalogo per Collane

I Manuali | Strumenti e sintesi | Metodo | Materiali | Studi e ricerche | Esedra - Collana di letture | Strumenti | Colloquium | Le Antologie | LED Bibliotheca | Lingue e Culture | Lingue di oggi | Lingue e contesti | Traduzione - Testi e strumenti | Archeologia e Arte antica | Quaderni di Erga-Logoi | Hellenika. Studi di Storia greca | Biblioteca classica | Collana della Rivista di Diritto Romano | Accademia Storico-giuridica Costantiniana. Materiali per una storia del tardo antico | BFLR - Biblioteca di filologia e linguistica romanze | Palinsesti - Studi e Testi di Letteratura Italiana | Biblioteca Insubrica | Nomologica | Parerga Nomologica | Humanity by Design. Laboratorio di Antropologia Sociologia e Design della Comunicazione | Laboratorio teoretico | Etica e Vita Comune | Irene. Interdisciplinary Researches on Ethics and the Natural Environment | Thauma. Collana di Scienze Umane e Sociali | International Research Center for Cognitive Applied Neuroscience (IrcCAN) | Psicologicamente. Collana dei Dipartimenti di Psicologia. Sapienza Università di Roma | Psychologica | ECPS - The Series | Strumenti e metodi per le scienze sociali | Quaderni di Storia del Pensiero Sociologico | Scienze Sociali | Comunicazione Mente Tecnologia | Languages Cultures Mediation. The Series | Il segno e le lettere. Collana del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture moderne dell’Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio | Costellazioni | Le forme del sentire | Il Filarete. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano | Cantar Sottile | Studi sull’istruzione superiore. Collana del CIRSIS. Università di Pavia | Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere | Spazio Tesi | Quaderni TaLTaC | Mots Palabras Words - Saggi | Problemata

Catalogo per Argomenti

Letteratura. Studi e testi | Estetica - Intermedialità - Arte - Musica - Spettacolo | Scienze dell’antichità | Scienze della storia | Filosofia - Logica - Pensiero Matematico e Scientifico | Etica - Filosofia ambientale | Pensiero politico e sociologico | Diritto - Storia, filosofia e sociologia del diritto | Psicologia giuridica - Criminologia | Psicologia - Neuropsicologia | Informatica umanistica | Scienze della formazione | Strumenti per la didattica e per l’autoapprendimento | Scienze della Comunicazione e Linguistica | Lingue e culture - Mediazione interlinguistica e interculturale | Culture e Società | Economia | Statistica - Metodologia della ricerca sociale



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