Andrea Nava

Grammar by the book
The passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers.

Collana: «Il Filarete. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano» 254
16 x 23,5 cm – pagg. 300 - 2008 – € 40,00
ISBN 978-88-7916-379-8


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SOMMARIO: Introduction I. Staking out the territory: 1. Research questions - 2. Sampling - 3. Analytical strategy - II. The passive as a linguistic phenomenon and a learning/teaching issue in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers: 1. Location, components and organization of the presentations of the passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 1.1. Location - 1.2. Components - 1.3. Organization - 2. The passive as a linguistic phenomenon - 2.1. Defining voice - 2.1.1. Voice in linguistics - 2.1.2. Voice in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 2.2. The form of the passive - 2.2.1. The form of the passive in the grammaticological tradition - 2.2.2. The form of the passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 2.2.3. Summary - 2.3. The pragmatics of the passive - 2.3.1. The pragmatics of the passive in the grammaticological tradition - 2.3.2. The pragmatics of the passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 2.3.3. Summary - 2.4. The get-passive - 2.4.1. The get-passive in the grammaticological tradition - 2.4.2. The get-passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 2.4.3. Summary - 2.5. 'Exceptions' to the passive - 2.5.1. 'Exceptions' to the passive in the grammaticological tradition - 2.5.2. 'Exceptions' to the passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 2.5.3. Summary - 3. The passive as a learning/teaching issue - 3.1. Learning the passive - 3.2. Teaching the passive - 3.3. Summary - III. The passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers: examples and diagrams: 1. Examples - 1.1. Type - 1.2. Text size - 1.3. Register - 1.4. Source - 1.5. Examples and explanations: staging and function - 1.6. Summary - 2. Diagrams - 2.1. Type and function - 2.2. Summary - IV. The passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers: metalanguage: 1. Voice - 2. Agent - 3. Terminology for 'degrees of passiveness' - 4. Indirect object - 5. 'Discourse' terminology - 6. Summary - V. Discussion and conclusion: 1. The passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers: selection of information - 2. The passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers: representation of information - 2.1. Accuracy - 2.2. Accessibility - 2.3. Categoricality - 2.4. Explanatory force - 3. 'Theory' in presentations of the passive featured by pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 4. 'Fitness for purpose' of presentations of the passive in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - 5. Concluding remarks - Abbreviations and references

Grammar by the book is a study of how the English passive, as both a linguistic phenomenon and a learning/teaching issue, is presented in pedagogical grammars for EFL/ESL teachers - grammar books aimed at trainee and practising teachers of English as a foreign/second language and intended to supply metalinguistic information on English grammar, practice in language analysis and error correction as well as an overview of grammar teaching activities and the typical problems experienced by EFL/ESL learners. Whereas a great deal of ink has been poured by theoretical and descriptive linguists in the last fifty years in attempts to conceptualise and describe the passive, very little awareness appears to exist of this recent research among language teachers. Pedagogical grammars for teachers are arguably a concrete attempt to redress the situation inasmuch as they are primarily aimed at bridging the gap between linguistic research and the practical concerns of the teacher. Spanning approximately thirty years (1978-2004), the sample of ten grammars on which this study is based originated not only in Inner Circle countries (Canada, USA, UK, New Zealand), but also in former British colonies (India, Hong Kong, Singapore) and in a country where English is learnt as a foreign language (Colombia). Through the analysis of the verbal descriptions, the examples and the diagrams featured in the corpus of ten presentations of the passive as well as the subject-specific metalanguage used, the book pieces together a picture of the way an important grammatical phenomenon has been turned into a grammaticographical product and explores how insights from the last one hundred years of linguistic and applied linguistic research have been mediated and represented for a non-academic audience. A subsidiary focus of the analysis is the evaluation of the 'fitness-for-purpose' of the grammars, i.e. whether they achieve the purposes that a teacher-oriented pedagogical presentation should serve.

Andrea Nava (Verbania 1969) holds postgraduate qualifications from the universities of Edinburgh, Lancaster and Milan. He is an EFL instructor in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Milano. He has published articles and book chapters on the history of language teaching, grammar description, acquisition and teaching, learner corpora and expertise in second language teaching.


Catalogo per Collane

I Manuali | Strumenti e sintesi | Metodo | Materiali | Studi e ricerche | Esedra - Collana di letture | Strumenti | Colloquium | Le Antologie | LED Bibliotheca | Lingue e Culture | Lingue di oggi | Lingue e contesti | Traduzione - Testi e strumenti | Archeologia e Arte antica | Quaderni di Erga-Logoi | Hellenika. Studi di Storia greca | Biblioteca classica | Collana della Rivista di Diritto Romano | Accademia Storico-giuridica Costantiniana. Materiali per una storia del tardo antico | BFLR - Biblioteca di filologia e linguistica romanze | Palinsesti - Studi e Testi di Letteratura Italiana | Biblioteca Insubrica | Nomologica | Parerga Nomologica | Humanity by Design. Laboratorio di Antropologia Sociologia e Design della Comunicazione | Laboratorio teoretico | Etica e Vita Comune | Irene. Interdisciplinary Researches on Ethics and the Natural Environment | Thauma. Collana di Scienze Umane e Sociali | International Research Center for Cognitive Applied Neuroscience (IrcCAN) | Psicologicamente. Collana dei Dipartimenti di Psicologia. Sapienza Università di Roma | Psychologica | ECPS - The Series | Strumenti e metodi per le scienze sociali | Quaderni di Storia del Pensiero Sociologico | Scienze Sociali | Comunicazione Mente Tecnologia | Languages Cultures Mediation. The Series | Il segno e le lettere. Collana del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture moderne dell’Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio | Costellazioni | Le forme del sentire | Il Filarete. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano | Cantar Sottile | Studi sull’istruzione superiore. Collana del CIRSIS. Università di Pavia | Istituto Lombardo. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere | Spazio Tesi | Quaderni TaLTaC | Mots Palabras Words - Saggi | Problemata

Catalogo per Argomenti

Letteratura. Studi e testi | Estetica - Intermedialità - Arte - Musica - Spettacolo | Scienze dell’antichità | Scienze della storia | Filosofia - Logica - Pensiero Matematico e Scientifico | Etica - Filosofia ambientale | Pensiero politico e sociologico | Diritto - Storia, filosofia e sociologia del diritto | Psicologia giuridica - Criminologia | Psicologia - Neuropsicologia | Informatica umanistica | Scienze della formazione | Strumenti per la didattica e per l’autoapprendimento | Scienze della Comunicazione e Linguistica | Lingue e culture - Mediazione interlinguistica e interculturale | Culture e Società | Economia | Statistica - Metodologia della ricerca sociale



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